Q: How do I track my order?
A: Once your order ships, an email will be sent to you containing the tracking information. If no tracking number has been sent, your order has not been shipped just yet. Please allow 1-2 business days for your shipment details to update with USPS.
Q: How do I know if my order has been placed?
A: After you purchase with us, a confirmation email with the details of your order will be sent to you. Please ensure your checkout process is complete. You will see a page that says “Thank you for your order, here is your order number.” Your email may have filtered into your spam folder. If you need us to resend it, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Q: When will my order ship?
A: Our products usually – key word usually – ship within 3-5 BUSINESS days (business days do NOT include weekends or holidays)! Once the package is out of my care, I have know control if the package is delayed for any inconvenience. Please be understanding of that.
Q: I forgot to enter a promotional coupon code at checkout. Can I receive a refund?
A: To receive a promotional discount, all customers are responsible for entering the promotional code at checkout. No refunds will be applied if a code is not applied at the time of checkout. No exceptions can be made. We thank you for understanding!
Q: I received a wrong or damaged item. How can this be resolved?
A: First, let me apologize for the inconvenience and the frustration you may be feeling. This is an extremely rare occurrence and I can assure you that we will solve this. Please e-mail the matter to keirag124@gmail.com along with the order #. I will be sure to assist you immediately and offer you priority within every step.
Q: Do you make custom artwork or take on special REQUESTS?
A: I do NOT do portrait work or logos, but I will take on other custom projects. For project inquiries please contact me at keirag124@gmail.com .
Q: Do you Offer Returns?
A: All sales are FiNAL.
Q: My order says it's been delivered, but I haven't received it yet. Will I receive a refund or a new order?
A: First let me apologize for the inconvenience. Secondly, reach out towards the post office and see if you can receive any updates. If the issue still isn't resolve send me a message with evidence of contacting the post office and we can move on from there.
Q: WHAt if the PACKAGE doesn’t get picked UP or the incorrect ADDRESS was entered ?
A: Most likely, the package will be sent back to the sender. If you do not pick up your package and it is returned to sender, you will need to pay the additional shipping costs to have your items shipped to you again.
Q: Any international charges?
If you are based outside of the US, we are not responsible for any customs or additional fees that may occur when accepting your package. We are not liable for any package delays that come with shipping outside of the USA.